
Iron Chef Battles

August 31, 2020

Merdeka @ PD - Dinner

After strolling the resort, we decided there in one place that we didn't drop by for while, the Temple Seafood as what we called it. It is a restaurant using the temple compound to serve their good food. Porky can't remember how many times he visited this place, this temple is devoted to the Monkey King and his friends, from the famous Journey To The West and most importantly a character who is a Pig, beep beep blueray !!!

Our appetite are good tonight, so without second thought, we order extra loads to satisfy our craving. The freshness of the crab, prawn and cockles are awesome. The cockles are humongous, like the grandpa version of what we normally tried in Melaka, we even bring back the shell for proof that it is this big. Can't remember how much we paid, the Porkydigans don't really care when it come to satisfying the tummy...

Nestum Butter Prawn

Signature Bean Curd

Gigantic Blood Cockles

Salted Vege Soup

Porky Favorite Crab with Gravy

Potatoes with strong Hot Wok aftertaste

August 30, 2020

PD Escapade - National Day Pt 1

As routine to celebrate the National Day (a.k.a Independence Day in some countries), we opt for a weekend escapade again !!! The Porkydigans just need to escape every weekend or so, that's a norm to balance out life according to the guide book. Time to wind down from the crazy 8-5 workplace. 

This round, we went to a resort in PD by the name Corus Paradise Resort. First time for us and it all started after Papoi Robotic Class. A smooth drive in Cat's Mobil and we arrived sometime in the evening just in time for a sunset walk at the left side of the beach.

Ahhhh, sunset... at the man made crescent part
view to the right to the right..

that's where the Porkydigans sleep tonight

August 22, 2020

Tamagotchi - Play Games & Shop

To keep your cyber pet happy, like any other real pet, feeding, cleaning, love and playtime are necessary routine.

Find the menu labelled 'PLAY' which icon is the shape of baseball & bat. You can play 2 games here and spend your coins in the shop :

1) Jump & Catch - catch the bird/frisbee as it flew from one end of the screen. Its a difficult game with little earning (coins reward) 
2) Don't Get Hit! - try to steer left or right without getting hit by falling object 
3) Shop - with the earned coins, you can buy costumes for your pet (next post) 

Game : Jump & Catch

Game: Don't Get Hit

Sunday Riddle

Mr. Porky, Benedict and Mr.Mook went to Ramya Curry House on top of the hill, everyone ordered and got their food served EXCEPT Mook.

Why is that? 

August 19, 2020

Di Wang Miao Vegetable

We planted many types of vegetable in our cavern lately, and this one here is known as Di Wang Miao or Emperor Vegetable as we like to call it. Can't remember how long the original plant exist, probably since Porky Cavern 1, circa 2015-2017 maybe but for sure it is a very reliable and resilient plant. Easy to plant, cook and of course eaten as its soft and crunchy..

According to the expert Mr. Ephant, Epsom Salt can be use as alternative fertilizer other than those readily packed from nursery so we gave it a try. True enough, this round of harvest (after many in the past with smaller leaves) it turn into HULK version size. It yield the largest size of leaf we ever seen, upsize at least 3 times from the original. All the Porkydigans raised their pitchfork as a toss to good harvest this season, beep beep blue-ray...

Harvesting Day !

5-6 inch humongous leaf 

August 17, 2020


Porky found a toy from yester years while strolling in mr DIY. It was a good buy, although not the original Bandai unit. If so, it would be a vintage treasure. There will more post on it as he learn how it works differently from the original version.
               TamaPorky named BoB

August 11, 2020

Happy Birthday !

It is that time of the year again, when it makes another mark in space and time continuum. The universe is mysterious and ever indefinite. Life goes on..

  Happy Birthday

August 5, 2020


Working to provide basic shelter and food for the Porkidigans is not an easy job. Mr Ephant need to work hard, persistent and practice high EQ in order to survive the 8 to 5 job. Sometime is not for your own self, but for the family.

After a long day at work, earning

August 2, 2020

BBQ Is Compulsory

With the ever challenging and changing circumstances of work and life, something remains constant, that is the peaceful time of our own. It is compulsory to have a wind down session to recalibrate the soul says Benjamin. So, lets fire up the pit..

Lemongrass Chicken 

2nd Time Adding Charcoal

fully Cooked Shish Kabobs

August 1, 2020

Farm is Still Blooming

Many weeks ago, Porky planted Okra or Ladies Fingers. No scence from the movie Bone Collector, just the name. It was seeded into multiple pots, and surprisingly it yield good result on all of it. A little love and care, it grew happily reaching towards the sky.

Pots grew together

Okra is finally out!

This is the best grown