
Iron Chef Battles

March 22, 2014

Pomellete Pt.2

Well, backy in the Philippines again this year. Bits a Saturday today, lepaking in the Hotel equipped with a mini kitchen stadium. Oh well that will do. So today, Porky said : 1 pomellete please ! and here we go..

Main Bingredient : 2 Eggries

Rather than plain, add a teaspoon of Mayo (real) and a little bit of salt & pepper and mix it evenly. Porky normally beat it till TKO (bubbling).

The Supplementary (Porky's Goodies)

Well there is a reason why this dish is called Pomellete instead of Omelette. Here we prepared cubes luncheon meat, green capsicum, zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, jalapeno and coriander (finely chopped). No seasoning added, all flavors will come from these fresh veges.

Cooking Starts Now !

First heat the pan/wok with oil. Start with garlic until it turn slightly brownish, then add in cilantro. Luncheon meat the next to join the party, and leave it for 3 minutes under high heat.

Greenies Joining In

Then add in the green stuffs, zucchini and tomatoes and jalapenos and mixed them evenly all under high heat for 1 minute. We don't want to bober cook the vege, Porky say it will loose their original juice, and nuthween (pksh : nutrients)

Beaten Eggs In at last !

Finally, pour in the beaten eggries, and turn heat to medium or even low. Move the pan so eggs covers all the ingredient to fuse them together. Cook until all the eggs turn solid, and eureka..

Pomellete Pt. 2 - Ready to eat..

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