
Iron Chef Battles

October 19, 2016

Maggie Goreng Mamat Style

Maggie Goreng was the first improvised Maggie recipe that Porky had when he was on Bots2U business trip to Melaka back in 2004/5. He never tasted Maggie noodle being prepared in such way before, it was in an Indian Mamak restaurant underneath the little hotel where he stay. It has this rich and interesting flavor, nice springy noodle texture and aroma of stir frying from a hot wok . Over the years, Porky tried and almost perfected it, but there are many versions of it. Today, he will show you how to cook it the original way, and hopefully more recipes in the future.

Red Bowl : Curry Powder, Turmeric, Salt, MSG, Paprika, Dried Chili for seasoning.
Green Bowl : Tomatoes Ketchup, Chili Ketchup and Soy Sauce
Others : 2 Maggie Mee, Tomatoes, Chopped Garlic, Egg and Calamansi.

Add 1 tbsp oil to spices in red bowl, mix evenly, this is a self made fresh seasoning paste, taste better than the one that comes with the noodle

2 dried Maggie Mee/Noodles

Boil water in cooking pan to pre-cook the dry noodles

if Maggie Mee stated its 2 mins to cook, just cook ours for 1 min, remove hot water and strain it to dry, run under running tap water to quickly cool it down, and leave to dry, this will maintain chewy texture.

heat up the pan, add oil and when its hot, add in garlic, cook until aroma

add in tomatoes next, cook for 2-3 mins under medium heat

add in pre-mixed spices (red bowl) and stir evenly under medium heat for 2 mins, then add sauce mixture (green bowl) and mix until bubbling

add in noodle, mix it so it coat evenly with the sauce, then add an egg and stir fry it until slightly dry for about 3 mins in high heat.. Porky say GORENG.. GORENNGG...

tadaaa... bits done ! Maggie Goreng !!! (luncheon meat is optional)

If available, prepare some clean banana leaf as plate, first slightly heating it over the flame from a stove to release the aroma. Calamansi/small lime can be squeeze into dish just before serving to reduce the oily taste. Yummyness guaranteed says Porky (aka Hang Mamat), hence the name given to this version of basic Maggie Goreng..

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