every pig's dream.. a 'BenPork 3000'
October 22, 2011
BenPork 3000
Porky's Cavern has always been a venue for fun and parties with family and friends. The need for an outdoor BBQ Set is inenvitable. What fun of a party without BBQ ? Well, Benjamin have no choice but to buy those crappy zinc unit charcoal stand (not even worthy to refer as BBQ set) when we first move here, but behold.. he had seek the service of engineer Horton to design and build him a masterpiece, its called 'BenPork 3000' ! yeah.. BenPork 3000 ! It is made from wood, durable, practical and upgradable (to gas BBQ set in 2012).. Well, it was completed earlier in Jan this year and placed in the garden under the unforgiving hot weather of Melaka, it still stand up proud until today. Ir Horton is really a genius, he deserve 2 peanuts for his contribution ! ! !
October 17, 2011
Bets Bo to Bintulu Bite Bestival 2011 (PksH)
Its another 2o11 resolution being met, this time back to East Malaysia at a small oil town called Bintulu. Kite Flyers from around the world came here for the weekend, nothing extravagant ... very common lorrr as Benjamin says it. Anyway, it was fun, but very hot.. so little Ben stays in the tent n enjoy his strawberry ice cream.. yummy..

the aliens are here, run for your life !
Giant Squid avoiding a bite from a Horny Blue Bear
Cousin of Giant Squid trying to bite Mr Wacky the Monkey
me no bite, only scratch ! Slappy n Garfields favourite kite ..
if you're bitten by this one, you're DONE
Benjamin mumbling : 2 teeth how to bite ? .. Soopeed Clown
Horny Blue Bear was bitten until nothing left..
October 12, 2011
The Final Frontier
Mr. Slappy the evil genius has finally completed his greatest creation of all time ! its a spaceship that will take him to greater heights via the greenest, pollution free engine available today. He will explore the final frontier where no cats has gone before. According to him, to withstand the meteor shower up there, he uses woven bamboo like those carbon fibre race car body he saw in the F1 Race. So strap on the seatbelt, and up up we go !
mind the wire, its for safety !
October 9, 2011
Junk Food, Not Really..
Eating frozen food occasionally will be unhealthy, but add some vegetable to it.. its not that of a junk Porky thought.. well, unless you can prove him wrong so in the mean time, let's EAT ..
Sushi King's Octopus ? eat my Boctopus !
October 3, 2011
Time for HOLIDAY ! Pt.0
Porky has been busy whole year long. He's worn out, like an old rubber tyre. He's scheming to go for a year end holiday soon in December... Its time to memorize what has he accomplish this year and to plan for upcoming 2012 resolution, and most importantly to laze and relax like jellypish !
enjoying his 10% beer in PD last Christmas
October 2, 2011
Victim of Philippines 'Quiel' Storm
A newspaper clip from the Philippines Inquirer; NOAH'S ARK - This rooftop serves as veritable Noah's Ark for a handful of flood swept animals - cats, dogs, chicken, duck and a pigeon - after the owners abandoned their submerged house in Barangay Gugo, Calumpit, Bulacan. Unfortunately, rescue workers could only evacuate humans... some more words till end..
poor animals, they should be rescue !
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