December 29, 2010

PD Beach here Porky come !

Our plan to celebrate the upcoming 2011 new year will be awesome, we're going to the beach tomorrow and stay overnight for the celebration. Kite flying, seafood munching, sand castle (me expertise) and most important of all, a good relaxing moment of peace to look back at 2010 achievements, and drafting new resolutions for exciting year ahead !

my dream tools

Porky's Cooking Guide : Chicken Soup

We got a new kitchen equipment today, its called a Srow Cooker (PKSH: Slow). With this, me decided to add one new serving into Kitchen Stadium. Chicken Soup, yeah.. that would be something nice to have during winter (rainy season). Here's how to cook it my way.

this is a Srow Cooker, not a Lice Cooker

after unpacking, throw away the manual and read the recipe book

fresh chicken, button mushroom, garlic & A1 Chicken Soup (pre-pack ingredient)

heating up the pot takes time, so make full use of it as a sauna

when water is warm enough, throw in all the bingredients

all in ...

add one spoon of Soy Sauce (Pearl River is my favourite)

close the lid, set heat to low, simmer for 5-6 hrs

due to long hours of waiting, sleep is advisable

after 5-6 hrs, its cooked !

serving time !

I got me Christmas Gift from Santa !

Me woke up this morning under the Christmas tree, and found a present in me gift bag..

thanks Santa.. i'll be a good pig again next year (fingers crossed) :)

KFC Voucher worth $ 5oo (mind Porky, he can't count)

Merry Christmas 2010 !

Porky and the Porkydigans (Horton, Wacky, Tiko, Shawn, Chompers, Dimitry, Slappy, Goopil) would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas 2010 !

Party under the Christmas tree tonight, all PorkyVille inhabitants are entitled for free cocktail (Wacky's Special) - Free Flow ..

930 pm Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church, Melaka

Hail Mary Full of Grace

the big candle (from left) is from us

December 24, 2010

Gifts Galore..

Here we are, all gifts ready for Santa to pick up tonight... Rudolph biscuit is ready in the luggie bowl..


Last minute preparation is still ongoing in the cavern, me busy supervising all the Porkydigans to get everything in order and ready for the celebration. Christmas tree decorations and gifts wrapping is almost done, we're almost ready Porky said !

My couch is here !

Just in time for Christmas, got our cozy couch in time for winter (rainy season on this part of the world but mind Porky).. warm and cozy thats the way i like it ...

Hmmm.. its mine, its mine ... bring me snacks and soda ... my favourite movie is about to start..

Santa..i'm a good pig this year ..

its still empty as of today, but probably by midnight Santa will stuff it up..

December 19, 2010

A Luggie Tale

Kiki Dimitri 
(the mischievous little pup)

Born on 1st May 2010 at Nilam College, my mommy's name is MARY. people say i look exactly like her.I have 7 siblings....and of the 7, i've got 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

Christmas in The Cavern ! 2010

It's my favourite time of the year.. The Christmas tree is up and gifts are coming in..

November 21, 2010

Star of PorkyVille

Hellooo, its me just in case you pogot how me look like ! Yup from Yorkshire..

Call 911..

Luggie fainted in the kitchen due to food overdose.. where is me handphone.. need to dial 9-1-1..

Tomato Mee from Cats City

There's a type of dish that you couldn't find in Melaka, only in Cat's City. So me decided to introduce it into my Kitchen Stadium, behold... the Tomato Mee !

Lazy Saturday Afternoon..

Porky's Cavern is where u laze and get fat. Slappy and Garfield having their afternoon nap.

Back in September, our mango tree finally bear some fruits. Me and Horton was busy working overtime to get them clean and qc. Most of the produce are for local consumption in PorkyVille, and balance was for export (across the gate to our neighbor.. Radzee OAG..)

Porky as Quality Control, Horton as Logistic ..

October 31, 2010

Slappy & Garfield !

In me Cavern, apart from luggie (doggie), me also have 2 cats living with us. They're adopted from their mummy, living as stray loitering around my compound begging for food. Pity them so i give them shelter n food, now they grown up bigger than me in size.. scalee (scary). More post on them soon.

August 8, 2010

Guest at Porky's Cavern

New comer to Porky's Cavern... Meet CheeseDale the mouse..

18 April 2010 091.jpg

He was once a fugitive, escapee from Ikea but now a legal PorkyDigan living in me Cavern.

My First (Pirst) Harvest

Apart from planting flowers and shrouds (and most of the time lalangs), me also grew some crops in the garden for a living. This is the pirst harvest by me worker from the garden, a 3 inch sweet corn !
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New Comer ...

This is me first dog species staying in me place, meet Kiki Dimitri Antonov, the Russian vegetable Husky Dog..

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July 5, 2010

Birthday Party

The Porkydigans celebrated Angie's 29th birthday yesterday, Happy Birthday !


Middle Right - Dimitry , Right bottom - Slappy & Garfield

April 15, 2010

IT's never easy being a pig......

Its never easy being a pig..... half the time people are afraid of me cause they claim i cause sickness, the other half of the time there are crackpots try to put me into a pot... or worse...BBQ us   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (R.I.P brother)
The human population must try and understand me/ us (n my fellow brothers) that we are not just any animal.... we are in fact very SMART animals....
 although i tend to get myself in very "wet" situations....
 or become crash dummy  to my owners latest mad experiments.....
I (Bunyamin P. Porky) still carry out my basic function... 
and that is to render LOVE and serve those who love me in return....

East Wind Breaks (Porky's Mood Song)