January 14, 2024

MiXX Snacks

Lately, the Porkidigans are craving for quick snacks at work and home. Not too unhealthy and packed nicely in single bite pack. There is this convenient store near PC3 called Mixx. It sells mostly imported snacks at a reasonable price. Here are among our favorite.
Seaweed Rice Cracker

Assorted Beans (favourite)

Barley Wheat Stick

KFC is Comfort !

 After a long hard working and studying week, nothing else matters ! BearStappen & Benedict grabbed the key to Red Baron and speed towards the 2nd bridge heading to Batu Kawan. There is only one destination, and there is no compromise for a Sunday routine. Comfort food day, KFC ! (pksh : KepC).

Favorite KepC in Penang
East Wind Breaks (Porky's Mood Song)