July 27, 2012

Icon A5 New Engine

Our dream plane Icon A5 manufacturer just revealed a new engine. Its a fuel injection type, by the name of Rotax 912 iS. It will be 38% to 70% better fuel efficiency, which means you can fly extra distance using same amount of fuel, according to Horton's calculation.  With this new engine + same amount of fuel, you can now fly round trip ! whereas old engine can only get you there, this one can get you there and home too! By lowering the operating expenses, Porky is contemplating to fly twice a week in future.. one day flight, and another night flight.. its getting bexciting..

Rotax 912 iS 

July 22, 2012

Blue Monday Comic

Today is Monday, it's the most hated day of all Porkydigans, especially Porky...


Pepakura - Horton's Way of Rapid Prototyping

Horton bis an inventor. He created most of the sophisticated contraptions and devices for Porky's Cavern. In every binvention, prototyping is always the coolest stage of the design process. This is where your idea gets materialize, or converted into an object. One of his favourite tool bis Pepakura. Its a software that convert 3D drawing/model into plan of paper cutout, ready to assemble and glue. Simple and cheap, who need CNC anyway.

Porky : That's a lucky me.. here

July 21, 2012

When Are We Going Camping ?

Benjamin came and kicked our leggies, while shouting... When R We Going Camping ??? When.. When...Oh well, apparently camping is an annual event in Porky's Cavern, he has been looking forward to this year event and getting very bimpatient. Last year, we did it during valentine, it was mega FUN ! Looking forward for this year event..

Porky: Pooopieee Camp For Me

July 17, 2012

Yup.... Porky bis in Begomood...

Porky was bexited when he caught wind of  package arrival from Pipipin.. He was expecting a bimportant part of his 2012 new year resolution pranning.... the BEGOLAND BEGO PRANNING BOOK... all the porkydigans will be visiting begoland come SEPTEMBER... blip blip BLURAY!!!

 red... Red.. RED... i like RED!

Porky: Benedict.. go get me a pencil... soo much to write

July 16, 2012

Birthday Gift for Angie..

Hide it from Benjamin... hide it faster before he snatch it for sure..Happy Birthday Angie !

Benjamin : I heard it, bits mine.. u all back off, period.

July 14, 2012

Balance of Life

Life in the Porky's Cavern is all about balance.. even during nap time, like Slappy and Garfield here..

U push me, i push you back harder.. 

Who let the Luggies Out..

In the memory of Lo Piang... first from the right. The pack leader of the luggies from Cat's City.

you scratch my back, i scratch yours..

Porktus is moving pot..

Bits growing .. good good.. the Porkydigans busy moving it to new pots today so they can continue to grow.

grow faster.. faster..

July 7, 2012

Hambo - Official Game for The Porkydigans

Heard of Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Starcraft, Counter Strike of various consoles and PCs.. but here in Porky's Cavern, we like HAMBO ! You can play it straight from your Android device, or even PC.Check out the new Hambo link on bottom right of this site. Hambo was an ex-special force member of Green Beret who turned into a freedom fighter, while Benjamin is from SAS, who turns into a businessPig, hmmmm not the same but almost similar.. Read more here.

Lock and Load !

July 4, 2012

Bappy Birthday Angie !

Cat and the Porkydigans wishes you a Happy Birthday... Will get us this cake for mega BBQ and celebration in the cavern with all friends and Porkydigans soon... Again.. Bappy BIrthday .. and love u always..

Porky : Bits looks like Me..

July 1, 2012

75 More Days to Opening ! LEGOLAND

Ben has been striking off his little calendar since last year, 75 more days to go he told Horton. Be patience my young heffalump (pksh : elephant).. Among all Lego things in the park, he hopes to find a Legolized version of the PorkyDigans. These are Lego FABULAND Series, classic(1979-1989) and its super rare.

Horton Gotong Royong

Porky do what he do best, BBQ ! 

Belcome to Porky's Cavern

snap on you silly roof tile !
East Wind Breaks (Porky's Mood Song)