Well it has been a quick year says Porky. Like speed of a mango dropping from the tree to the ground - BooooP ! Looking back at 2015 resolutions, oh well.. doing not bad. Manage to complete some of the outstanding trips and proud to make time for it. However majority of DIY stuffs didn't happen - partly due to work commitment - also an unhealthy lifestyle year for rest of physical activities. Oh well, let's make the balance unfulfilled goals to fuel 2016 then.. Kudos to all the Porkydigans !
+ want to do +
1) Solar Panels Sombrero Island, PH (postponed again to 2016)
2) CNY at Porky's Cavern (DONE) Feb'15
+ want to own +
1) 3D Printer (push to 2016)
2) Drones-Quads (DONE) July'15 (3rd ones)
3) Air Fryer (DONE)
+ want to start +
1) RPH Operation 5 days/wk (DONE) 4 Days/Wk
2) Hiring Staff for RPH (DONE) Aug 2016
+ want to learn +
1) Scuba Diving (push to 2017)
+ want to go +
1) Lombok, Indo (DONE)Apr 2015
2) Colmar Tropicale (DONE) June 2015
+ want to build +
1) R2-D2 (push to 2016)
2) FPV to Drone (cancelled)
3) Papoi Garden Truck (change to SnowSpeeder in 2017)
+ want to join +
1) Mini Triathlon (cancelled)
2) MTB Race in Ph (cancelled)
+ want to cook +
1) 8 Emperor Dish (push to 2016)
2) 3 x BBQ in Porky's Cavern (DONE)
+ want to do always +
1) PressUp - 100/wk (dreaming only, try in 2017)
2) Cycling - Target - 300 km (push to 2017)
+ want to EAT ! +
1) Alaskan King Crab ! (push to 2017)
2) Caviar (cancelled)
December 31, 2015
December 24, 2015
PCC : Christmas Chicken Curry
December 7, 2015
PCC - The Return of The KimChi !
Hah... the title is ala StarWars due to the excitement of the upcoming Star Wars - The Force Awaken that will be premiering this 18 Dec 15 (11 days away).. Anyway, this post is not about that, its about the return of Porky famous home made KimChi. It was first created long time ago, in cats lair.. by popular demand of Sis Susan, Porky decided to document it this time. And with carefully selected ingredients and fermenting time, it is PERFECT ! super yummy, better than those you get in jar from hypermarket - they're always over fermented, super sour is a sign of over fermenting process. So let's go through the photos, ingredients and preparation steps to follow at the end.
Chili Paste
1 medium size chinese cabbage (wombok)
cut a cross at the bottom, and split it
(sprinkle some salt on top to remove water)
leek is also used in our recipe
also some white radish and spring onion
what else - GINGER
Porky say, potong them rapat rapat
garlic and onion to add flavors
in its natural state after removal of water by salt
Porky say prepare the grue - warm up pan and stir flour until its turn into grue (pksh:glue)
chopped up ingredients mixed with sesame seeds
add chili paste
mixed them up well
apply the mix thoroughly on the cabbage leaf (layer by layer)
roll cabbage and keep in fermenting bottle/jar
use few loose cabbage leaf to cover the top nicely (add a little of fish sauce & sugar)
and keep in room temperature for 2-4 days for fermentation
after 4 days at 25 deg C room - Tadaaa ! Yummy Kim-Chi !
(1) Chinese Cabbage (Wombok) ( 1 medium size)
(2) Spring Onion
(3) Leek
(4) Garlic (1 tbsp)
(5) Ginger (1 tbsp)
(6) Onion (1/2 cup)
(7) Sesame Seed (roasted)
(8) Chili Paste (buy ready Korean made) (3-4 tbsp)
(9) Sugar (1 tbsp)
(10) Fish Sauce (1 tspn)
Preparation Steps
(1) Slice bottom stem of cabbage with 1 inch depth cut
(2) Using your finger, split open the cabbage from the cutting slot (this will maintain nice natural shape leaves on the top or heart of the cabbage)
(3) Do the same on half of the cabbage to quarter portion (so 1 cabbage gives 4 portions)
(4) Wash it under running water, rinse off to dry
(5) Put it in a basin, sprinkle some salt on top and leave for 20 mins, and turn to other side and repeat after 20 mins.
(6) wash away salt under running tap water let dry
(7) Using corn starch/rice flour or general purpose flour, boil and stir on pan until its in glue form. This will be use to bind all chili paste together nicely. You may add some pepper to make it more spicy.
(8) Add chopped ingredients onto a basin, add chili paste, our glue, sugar, fish sauce and sesame seeds - mix them well.
(9) Put on a glove - the chili paste will be HOT !
(10) Apply the mixed ingredients to the cabbage layer by layer equally (or leaf by leaf)
(11) Roll it nicely in palm size and arrange it nicely in a jar
(12) Jar need to be sterilized and dry before use, cap must not be air tight (breathable)
(13) Put all ready stuffed cabbage into the Jar, cap it and leave it in room temperature (about 25 degC for 2 to 4 days.
(14) Open and check it daily and press it down with a clean spoon to make sure all cabbages are soak in the juice released during the fermentation.
(15) After 4 days (normally no longer than that or it will be over fermented - turn sour), take all KimChi out, slice it nicely and put into plastic container and to keep in fridge. Cold temperature in fridge will slow down the fermentation, almost to none.
(16) If the KimChi turn sour or mushy, it means its over fermented - can use for cooking soup instead of eating it raw if that is the case.
November 28, 2015
PCC : Sarawak Kolo Mee
Finally, after several attempts fine tuning the recipe and method of cooking, Porky successfully created Sarawak Kolo Mee ! This dry noodle is unique to the state of Sarawak, particularly in Cat's City - Kuching. There are 3 portions that made up the dish - BBQ Pork, Minced Pork topping and the noodle. Additional ingredients such as prawns and leafy vegetable can be added to spice it up. Another important ingredient to add will be sweetened vinegar chilies.
Fish Sauce, Hoisin Sauce, MSG, Pepper, Sesame Oil, Palm Oil, Cooking Wine, Food Coloring (red), Oyster Sauce, Honey, Light Soya Sauce
first, marinate 150 grams of pork with BBQ marinate sauce *recipe
after roasting for 30 mins - yummy ! on 20th minutes, glaze some honey
slice it in fine thin slices - there is your Char Siew !
! important note - keep the oil from roasting pan !
juicy red shallots
chop chop chop into fine slices
fry until its crispy - there you have it - Shallots Oil
Minced pork - marinated with light soya sauce, fish sauce - fry until tender, can add a little of water
! important note - keep the oil from porky fat !
Now, many people says you must use authentic Sarawak hand made noodle to make a real Kolo Mee - not necessary, here Porky uses dry Egg Noodle. The secret is how you cook it to maintain the consistency/elasticity of the noodle. With boiling water, cook the noodle for 1-2 mins, run it under cold tap water and re-cook again under medium heat until you get the right consistency. No duration for this final step, just taste it as you cook - do not overcook it. So its done when you like the consistency !
drain water, and quickly mix with BBQ Char Siew Oil, and also Shallots Oil - mix evenly with a sprinkle of salt, light soya sauce, fish sauce and MSG - sprinkle only - not too much
Tadaaaaa - Sarawak Kolo Mee !
Marinating Sauce for BBQ Char Siew Pork
1) Fish Sauce
2) Hoisin Sauce
3) Sesame Oil
4) Chinese Wine
5) Light Soya Sauce
6) Ajinomoto - MSG
7) Pepper
8) Palm Oil
9) Food Coloring - Red
10) Honey (apply only during roasting, preferably last 5-10 minutes so it will not burn)
Marinating Sauce for Minced Meat
1) Fish Sauce
2) Salt
3) Light Soya Sauce
4) Ajinomoto
What makes me tired ..
Here in the Philippines, sun set much much earlier - as early as 6pm ! Early sunset makes you feel the night is longer, even with early sun rise the next day. Porky biological clock is not functioning properly because of this phenomenon - feeling restless, heart beating faster than normal. He think he is turning into a Bearwolf ! (pksh : werewolf)
sunset at 6 pm
November 22, 2015
PCC : Air Fry Stuffed Chicken !
As some of you might know, Porky will never contemplate or think twice when it comes to contraption for cooking. He will binvest (pksh: invest) in it, and slowly churning out good food for all the Porkydigans - technology is an important factor in cooking new yummy food. Great invention like pressure cooker, double boiler for soup, electric steamer and also air fryer are all greatest binvention of culinary world says Porky. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so today Porky will show to the world how to roast a stuffed chicken !
Tomato, Potato, Garlic, Red-White Onion, Lemon, Carrot
Steamed carrot, garlic and potatoes
Pound onions & lemongrass till aroma
Aroma : entire house have this smell
chopped out rest of the ingredients and mix together
prepare and clean the chicken
stuff all the ingredients in
sprinkle a little oil, pepper and marinate for a night
fire up the Philip Air Fryer - 40 mins later @ 180 deg C
Tadaa... its ready to eat
This is the first time we do this, the chicken turn black because of the burnt honey - just look bad but skin and meat are ok. Next round no honey so let's see how it work out. The stuffing makes the chicken moist, with crispy skin - very yummy !
November 16, 2015
PCC : Sarawak Kolo Mushroom Mee
PCC : Thai Yellow Curry Chicken
Curry is a must ! either you like it a lot , or you don't like it half according to Porky. So today, after cracking his brain out standing in front of supermarket shelf in a foreign country - he decided why don't we try Thai Curry since he's in The Philippines but craving for Malaysian curry - conpusing (PKSH : confusing). So behold, for the first time - Thai Curry from Thailand !
Thai Foods - Yellow Curry Paste (prepacked)
Contents & Binstruction
2 chickens on wheel chair ! - fresh not frozen
3 medium size - peeled spotstato (pksh : potatoes)
basic ingredients (+ lemon grass)
slow boil for 30 mins after steps 1~9
tadaaaaaaa !
Here are the steps in brief :
(1) heat up oil in pot
(2) add garlic, onions, dry chillies, lemon grass stems, stir fry until aroma
(3) add in Yellow Curry Paste & mix thoroughly
(4) add chicken (cut into smaller pieces) and medium rare cook it
(5) add in potatoes, and chicken stock broth
(6) add in coconut milk and reduce heat immediately when it start boiling
(7) continue to cook in small heat for 30 mins until chicken soften
(8) serves with rice and preserved tomato salad
(9) wallop it and rub summie (PKSH:tummy)
November 4, 2015
It's 5 Nov 15 !
Cat slept early the night before and he's up as early as 0330 am on Thursday wee hours. Eyes as big as Digby, brain as active as Porky - ever scheming. It was a stressful day before, stressful week and nearly a complete stressful month now, soon it will be end of 2015 ! wow, bamazing. Commitment at work is unbelievably over the wall, long absurd hours spend in meetings, trying to figure a way out of all the unnecessary problems created by morons. According to Porky, morons are the opposite of minions. Sometime, it makes you think and rethink and overthink the purpose of our life in this world - does it really matters if one pushes so hard in life or it will suffice just taking a back seat in everything ? Well, Porky says - YOU .. go back to sleep now ! - ok lorrrr... follow his advice lorrr...
October 29, 2015
PCC : Spicy Crab Soup Ramen
October 28, 2015
October 27, 2015
October 7, 2015
Iron Chef - No. 1 Cooking Show !
There are plenty of cooking show nowadays, just too many of them. Some who can't even cook properly can go on TV and starred in his own cooking show. Porky says this is below substandard (worst !). The only group of chefs that got the Porkydigans Bapproval(sort of Michelin standard) so far is the Iron Chef ! The originals of course - old school circa 93-99. These are the real chefs, even after 16 years, their cooking skills are still legendary. Porky says we only deserve the best food, and it must come from the best chefs - the Iron Chefs !
read more about them here
Watching their cooking skills being put to test in a battle at the Kitchen Stadium chaired by Chairman Naga in only 1 hr is always exciting and one our favorite past times. Never got tired of watching it according to Porky ! - now we added new pages of these battles for easy viewing. To access - right side link name ' Iron Chef Battles'. BENJOY !
The Funny Truth About Time
Time is a precious commodity. It surely flies and one should make full use of it during his/her short time on earth. Living a life everyday without achieving any dream or life goals can be considered an incomplete life. To look back in time and see how far we have come to where we stand at the moment, we believe that is the ultimate trophy for living a full life. It might feel uncomfortable now, as we went outside the box trying something new and risky. Whereas others prefer a stable and peaceful way of living - with feeling of in control of their daily life by repeating routines, and be satisfied with it. This is not the case - we however choose a different path of living, that is to concentrate all our effort and time to realizing our dreams. It has not been easy, but eventually one day in the future when we look back on all the extraordinary things that we have done to bring us closer to achieving our dream, we can proudly say we have lived a life that is full and those who look at us differently before finally understand that they ran out of time !
camping in our own backyard - cool
September 15, 2015
PCC : Instant Sarawak Laksa
August 30, 2015
PCC - Moringa Egg Omellete
Yeah... everybody heard about Kale, the so called king of super healthy greens - the most nutrient dense food on the planet they said. But Porky always questioned beberything (PKSH : everything) he don't take what majority claims it to be.. too mainstream he says.. furthermore Kale is expensive and hard to find at Tesco, Jusco and Porkco. In his quest for a healthier, affordable substitute, he found another less known green vegetable called Moringa ! Look at the stats below ;
It is also known as Malunggay in Philippines, or Horse Radish Tree and Drumstick Tree. The Philippine is a country where you can find this great food easily and cheap. To see how this plant looks like, read more here. Porky didn't need to think long before he created a masterpiece recipe out of this great food ! Tadaaaaaaa ... Moringa Egg Omellete ...
August 28, 2015
PCC : Cheesy Butter Prawn
August 15, 2015
PCC - Fried Rice PD Style
PD stands for Port Dickson. Porky named this dish as such because he misses the routine weekend trip with all the Porkidigans to this nice place a few years ago. Now he is stranded in a different country trying to make a living, sobbering..
August 11, 2015
PCC : Wine Mussels
What happen to the freshwater mussels (our friends that produce Pearls for NP) on a Friday night in a bar.. ? they got drunk because of drinking too much wine ... LOL.. Benedict trying his joke but none of the Porkydigans are laughing lor.. nice try Mr Benedict !
July 18, 2015
PCC : Heartly Pumpkin Soup
PCC : Mussel with Ginger & Wine
PCC : Midnight Salad
PCC : Green Healthy Fried Noodle
PCC : JK's Salad
PCC : Corned Beef Salad
PCC : Pork Curry Rice
PCC : Rainbow Fried Rice..
May 1, 2015
Porky's Culinary Collection a.k.a PCC
Cooking is a specialty skill for all Porkydigans. We will posting some of our kitchen masterpiece, created and cooked to perfection.. PCC will be the tagline !
April 3, 2015
Porky back in Cat's City 2015
It has been a while, yeah.. time flies. Porky went home to Kuching aka Cat's City for a few month holiday, meeting all the other relatives, friends and not forgetting all the yummy mouth batering (pksh: watering) food...
let me take a nap before dinner
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